Simplest Options:

Most Affordable

Participant ($50):  This ticket grants you access to interactive group somatic training, guided breathwork journeys into slightly altered states of consciousness that are ideal for emotional healing, group discussions, live somatic facilitation demos, and engaging breakout rooms where you can connect with fellow participants one-on-one for conversations about the work. This option offers an affordable path for the curious newbie to somatic healing work. Join us to gain cutting-edge tools for emotional healing. For more details, see the description below under "Group Session: Participant."

$50 ticket

Most Impactful

This option is limited to just TWO people per session.

Individually Facilitated ($95):  This ticket includes all the benefits of a Participant ticket, along with a dedicated 25 minute individual somatic facilitation session. During this time, you'll receive focused guidance from James while others bear witness to your personal exploration or embark on their own inner side journeys. Choose this option if you have a specific inquiry you would like to delve into with James' experienced facilitation. For more details, see the description below under "Group Session w/ Individual Facilitation."

$95 ticket

All Options:

Group Session:  Participant



This ticket grants you access to interactive group somatic training, guided breathwork journeys into slightly altered states of consciousness that are ideal for emotional healing, group discussions, live somatic facilitation demos, and engaging breakout rooms where you can connect with fellow participants one-on-one for conversations about the work. This option offers an affordable path for the curious newbie to somatic healing work. Join us if you're ready to gain cutting-edge tools for emotional healing.

$50 Ticket



Commit to deeper emotional inquiry and integration. By the end of 4 sessions, you can expect to feel sensations within more clearly, to dialogue with various parts within you & to discover new inner wisdom. You'll experience shifts that feel better in your body & in your nervous system. If you want to heal unwanted emotions or address feelings that have been shut down a long time, this package will get you down the path. Our community members choose this option to practice in community the tools we've been learning in this work. 

4-Pack for $190

Group Session w/ Individual Facilitation



This includes all of the benefits of a Participation ticket, along with a dedicated 25 minute individual somatic facilitation session. You'll receive focused guidance and structured process work from James while others bear witness to your personal exploration or embark on their own inner side journeys. No need to sit on the sidelines during the live can BE one of the live demos and benefit from precise facilitation customized for your nervous system. Choose this option if you have a specific inquiry you'd like to delve into with James' experienced facilitation.

$95 Ticket



 PLUS FREE 1-on-1 session ($297 extra value). This ticket grants you 4 group sessions with individual facilitation plus a FREE 1-on-1 85 min session you schedule at your convenience. This is the most economical way to receive individualized somatic facilitation designed for emotional healing, for a third of the cost of one-on-one sessions. Choose this option if you're ready to change how you experience and respond to the stressors in your life. Note: Limit ONE purchase of this package, so a variety of people can experience facilitation over the weekly June-Aug sessions)

4-pack for $360

Do You Prefer


Journey Sessions?

One-on-One Facilitation




If you prefer the privacy of 1-to-1 work, you can work with James directly. This 85 min session ($198 per hour) offers ONE Powerful 1-on-1 BreakThrough Facilitation session via zoom or phone. It's a monthly recurring subscription (No contract. You can cancel anytime. And you'll never lose a always get what you pay for.) You get individual support from a highly skilled Somatic BreakThrough Facilitator with precise facilitation focused on your specific needs.

All that stress and trauma we're holding in our body takes up space within us and this literally narrows the channel that allows your full expression to shine forth. Precise somatic facilitation gets to the root of these stresses, traumas and places where we tense up from life. Good facilitation engages these stress points in ways that cultivate deep healing. When you do this work, you leave feeling lighter, more free, and more like the YOU that you know is possible.

If this is your FIRST individual session with James, you can access a one-time introductory session for just $100 by clicking HERE. If you're a returning client, click the link below.

1-on-1 Journey




This is the package that most of James' clients choose. It's a monthly recurring subscription (No contract, you can cancel anytime.) It includes a Money-Back Guarantee.  Give me four 85 min sessions of your time and your engagement in the process and if you don't get a significant BreakThrough around your issue, you can request a refund. This package Includes FOUR Powerful 85 min 1-on-1 BreakThrough Journey sessions (one session per week, $166 per hour) that feature guided journey work, nervous system integration, inner child healing, mother wound/father wound healing, core wound work, emotional healing of fear/anger/grief/shame, inner safety cultivation (to reduce anxiety & overwhelm), inner power development, deep insight training, authentic relating tools and conflict resolution for relationships & navigating life transitions gracefully...All gently facilitated to your specific needs. BONUS: When you are a weekly client, you get real-time text support. This is a game-changer for those triggered moments. Progress speeds up a lot when you have a BreakThrough Coach on speed dial.

4-Pack of Journeys


Want help choosing the right option for you?


Don't can reach out to James or Elena for assistance making the best choice for you and your situation. Click a link below.


Elena Lake Polozova

@relic_radiation on Twitter


James Mayfield Smith

Somatic BreakThrough Coach

@JamesMayfield on Twitter

Text:  816. 645. 2600